Usage Terms
• Remove dust, oil, grease, loose materials &paints which may affect adhesion with the substrate.
• Moisten the surface with clean water before application.
• Put 9 - 10 liters of clean water in a suitable pot + 0.5-1.0 liter ofELMOSTAQBELBond Pure, then add one bag of ELMOSTAQBEL Putty gradually and mix for 3 minutes using a mechanical mixer till the mixture is uniform and free of lumps.
• Let the composition stands for about 10 minutes and mix again.
• The product now is ready for application either manually, or byspraying machine.
• The putty must be cured by water spray once every 12 hours forminimum next 48 hours.
• If the mortar in the pot starts to harden, do not add extra water;just remix till it turns back to the desired consistency.